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1st Anniversary Pop-Up Gallery
@Times Square



由2022年3月11日起, 羚邦集團旗下線上藝術平台Whateversmiles將會聯同時代廣場為大家帶來Pop-Up Galley, 位於5樓517-519號舖的Pop-Up Gallery 將會展出多個本地藝術創作系列以慶祝Whateversmiles成立一周年,當中包括大受歡迎的Garfield x Plastic Thing「GARFATTY BELLY LAUGHS」創作系列、香港人氣插畫家葉欣所創作的Plastic Think 系列畫作、本地創作人Alco Leung所創作的角色The Little Greens – Cactti、以及由藝人戴祖儀Joey Thye與Whateversmiles所創作的Dubie,大家萬勿錯過!

Starting from 11/3/2022, Times Square is collaborating with Whateversmiles, the latest Online Art Platform by Medialink Group Limited, to have a Pop-Up Gallery at Shop 517 - 519 to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Whateversmile. Don't miss the chance to visit the 4 art collection bought by the Whateversmile, including Garfield x Plastic Thing, Plastic Think by Yan Ip, The Little Green – Cactti by Alco Leung and Dubie by Joey Thye!

Whateversmiles Pop-Up Gallery


Whateversmiles Pop-Up Store



*是次企劃內容隨時因疫情關係而有所改動,詳情請留意Whateversmiles官方網站、社交媒體或Medialink 社交媒體的相關公告。



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Garfield x Plastic Thing

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We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

We don’t have any products to show right now.

Plastic Think

The Little Greens

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