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一個人與一隻貓,出生於不同年代,生活在兩個國家,但他們有著同樣的生活態度:一樣愛吃、愛睡、愛玩,而且都擁有一個大 肚腩! 大家終於在這天相遇,各自走進彼此的世界,究竟Garfield來到Plastic Thing的筆下會有什麼有趣的事情發生呢?由始至終不變的是,他們都想將歡樂帶給大家。簡單純粹的,希望大家看見他們都會快樂。
A girl and a cat. They come from two different worlds - Nickelodeon’s Garfield and Fatty, the little girl character created by Plastic Thing. Yet they have the same approach to life: they love to eat, sleep, and play, and they both have a big bellies too! And now with this mashup, let’s see what interesting things can happen! No matter how different they are, what remains the same from beginning to end is that they both want to bring joy to everyone. Simple and pure. We hope everyone will be happy to see them.
Garfield x Plastic Thing
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